Wills are obviously an important part of Estate Planning; however to maximise wealth building, tax minimisation and family protection strategies, a proper Estate Planning review should also involve consideration and review of such matters as:
(a) Life Estates and Asset Structures;
(b) Superannuation structures and nominations;
(c) The legal effect of how life insurance is held;
(d) Powers of Attorney/ General and Enduring/ Advanced Health Directives;
(e) Instruments appointing Guardians;
(f) Trusts (for example, family discretionary trusts, testamentary trust and unit trusts);
(g) Companies; and
(h) Memoranda of wishes or letters to Trustees.
If you wish to discuss any of the above matters with one of our Gold Coast Lawyers, or if you want to arrange a full Estate Planning review, please telephone our office on 07 5563 8970 to schedule an appointment today.