Student Union Fees back in 2012

Student Union Fees back in 2012

The Federal Government has reintroduced student amenities fees with the passing of the Higher Education Support Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill recently. These fees were scrapped under the Howard government in 2005. With the fees now reintroduced the student services and amenities fee will provide universities with more than $250 million over four years. Under...

Caring for the Carers

Caring for the Carers

A new Carer Action Plan 2011-14 has been announced for 500,000 Queensland carers. In 2010 the estimated replacement value of informal care provided across Australia was $40.9 billion, although the true value and contribution of carers is irreplaceable. Launched by the Queensland Government this plan will provide a blueprint to ensure Queensland carers get the...

Holiday Shake-Up for Queensland

Holiday Shake-Up for Queensland

There will be an extra day off for Queensland workers in 2012 following the passage of laws through State Parliament recently. In a proposal to spread public holidays more evenly throughout the year the Queensland Government asked for community consultation on their paper titled ‘Getting the balance right: A proposal on holidays in Queensland’. Feedback...

Combatting Crime in the Community

Combatting Crime in the Community

According to the Australian Crime Commission, serious and organised crime is estimated to cost Australia $10 to $15 million dollars every year. With organised crime frequently crossing borders there are many law enforcement agencies collecting intelligence on their activities. Queensland police will now be able to use criminal intelligence obtained from other law informant agencies...

Neighbourhood Disputes legislation now in effect

Neighbourhood Disputes legislation now in effect

New legislation making it easier for neighbours to resolve their disputes over trees and fences is now in effect.  The new Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act  now places the onus on the proper care and maintenance of a tree with the tree keeper, and provides greater choices for neighbours about trees affecting their property.  The Act...

Practical Driving Tested and Graduated Licensing System

Practical Driving Tested and Graduated Licensing System

Practical Driving Tested Queenslanders are being called on to give feedback and ideas for improving Queensland’s practical driving test, known as Q-SAFE. Q-SAFE is designed to evaluate a person’s ability to drive safely and correctly in different situations, however the driving test has not been reviewed in more than a decade. Recommendations to date included:...

Legislating Against Cyber Crime

Legislating Against Cyber Crime

Australia’s Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland recently reported that cybercrime has overtaken the drug trade as the most profitable form of crime in the world. Indeed, authorities worldwide now recognise that law reform and international cooperation will be essential to combat cybercrime and cyber security threats. In June 2011, a new Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011...

Home and Hosed for our Senior Citizens

Home and Hosed for our Senior Citizens

Selling the family home to pay huge accommodation bonds for residential care places will soon be a thing of the past under the government’s sweeping changes proposed for new consumer credit reform. Older people will now be able to use the equity in their home to fund an aged-care place through a form of federal...

Banned tobacco advertising in shops

Banned tobacco advertising in shops

Recent amendments to the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 now severely restrict smoking displays and advertising at retail outlets. These new laws banning point of sale tobacco displays are aimed at reducing cigarette uptake, particularly among younger Queenslanders. Smoking kills an estimated 3,400 Queenslanders every year and more than 30,450 people are admitted...

Property Owners Pay Thousands More

Property Owners Pay Thousands More

As many of you would be aware, since 1st August 2011 Queenslanders are no longer able to apply for the ‘principle place of residence’ stamp duty concession after the State Government cancelled the concession for transfer duties. Since 1st August 2011, consumers have had to pay up to 30 percent more in transfer duties, equating to...